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What's On

The Agri Giveaways Challenge

Josh Brown


A big thank you to everyone joined us today for the Agri Giveaways & Wiltshire County Sporting Championship!

High Gun Joint // Bob Blundell & Sean Gamblen 88/100

AA 2nd Joint // Dean Horswell, Michael Hibbert & Will Thatcher 86/100

A 1st // Edward Cleverly 82/100

A 2nd // Elliot Langford 80/100

A 3rd // Jonathan White 79/100

B 1st // Melvin Taylor 77/100

B 2nd Joint // Luke Gray, Nigel Piper & Simon Cuthbert 74/100

C 1st // Eva Forst-Langford 70/100

C 2nd // David Johns 66/100

C 3rd Joint // Beth Harding & Ruan Ellis 64/100

Lady 1st Joint // Natasha Vadasz & Tamsin Holmes 71/100

Junior 1st // Edward Cleverly 82/100

Veteran 1st Joint // Dean Horswell & Will Thatcher 86/100

💥Wiltshire County Winners💥

High Gun // Will Thatcher 86/100

Ladies // Tamsin Holmes 71/100

Junior // Edward Cleverly 82/100

Veteran // Will Thatcher 86/100

Raffle ticket winner for a pair of Swatcom Active 8 Ear Defenders // #107 Ben Paul

Pool Shoot Winner // Mal Grant

-For all results-

📞 01793 940 420
