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Meet the full time Barbury Team

HUW Managing Director

Top shot, top boss!

JOSH General Manager

Find him networking on shoots, or at the races

CRAIG Gunroom Manager

If he’s not in the gunroom, he’s with his hound Purdy, stalking in the woods

LORNA Office Manager

AKA The Barbury ‘Mumager’

AMELIA & MOSS THE DOG Front of House Manager & resident dog biscuit connoisseur

Just call her the crazy dog lady!

CONNOR Grounds Manager & Shooting Instructor

Happiest when he is on any machinery or chasing his pheasants

DERRICK Shooting Instructor

He will never be without his moustache (or a coffee)

STUART Deputy Gunroom Manager

If not in the gunroom, he will be punching holes in targets, perfecting various disciplines

BEN G Groundsman

He might be the youngest, but he sure knows his stuff!

PHOEBE Events Assistant

Helping with events or helping the team… Phebes will do it all!

MARK Shooting Instructor

When he is not coaching, he is making sure our grass is greener on both sides

Michele Front of House & Shooting Instructor

Subtitles available for all your international needs!

KATHERINE Front of House

Little do you know, she used to be a whizz on the ice

LEE Grounds/Maintenance

Any job big or small, he will fix it!

SAM Chef

Poor taste in music, good taste in food