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What's On

The Caesar Guerini Sporting Challenge - Day 1

Josh Brown


What a great first day, with some amazing scores already in!

Day 1 – Qualifiers for Sundays Super Final

AAA // Karl Hagan 129/150 (CB)

AA // Tom Webb 129/150

A // Peter Mylam 130/150

B // George Pearce 115/150

C // Keith James 100/150

Junior // Charlie Faulds 121/150

Colt // Oliver Thomas 99/150

Lady // Sarah Franklin 104/150

Vet // Robin Blamire 127/150

đź’ĄEach winner has been entered into the Super Final on Sunday 14th July at approximately 17:00, there will be 27 places available in the Super Final meaning everyone wins a prize!*

*Winners are only eligible if they attend Sunday’s Super Final.

Matt’s Challenge Clay Snooker Pool Shoot


1st // Luke Mortimer 52/72

2nd // Kelly Childs 48/72

3rd // Alex Jessett 46/72


1st Anthony Strudwick // 18/72

For Friday 12th July scores follow the link below…

For more information……

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