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What's On

Day 4 Keith's Clay Snooker Pool Shoot

Josh Brown

💥Day 4 of Keith's Clay Snooker Pool Shoot

A big thank you to all that entered!


1st // John Newman

2nd Joint // Andy Jude & Martin Doughty

4th Joint // Tony Woodrow & Adrian Potin - Coates


1st // Dan Whittall

2nd // Connor Scullion

Well done to all winners plus all Super Sporting winners!

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow for the last day of Sportrap!

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This weekend for practice at Barbury!

Josh Brown

Join us this weekend for practice sessions at Barbury . We are offering a 100 sporting practice set over 10 stands. Please note that this layout is steadier than our usual setup.

Saturday 9:00 with last entries at 15:00

Sunday 9:00 with last entries at 12:00

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Day 3 of Keith's Challenge Clay Snooker Pool Shoot

Josh Brown

Day 3 of Keith's Challenge Clay Snooker Pool Shoot

Big thanks to all that entered!


1st // Keith Evans

2nd // James Attwood

3rd // Colin Waite


1st Richard Archer

Pool Shoot open all weekend!

📞 01793 940 420

Keith's Challenge Clay Snooker Pool Shoot

Day 2 Keith's Challenge Pool Shoot

Josh Brown

A great turnout on Day 2 of the Keith Challenge Clay Snooker Pool Shoot


1st // Dave Gooding

2nd // Andy Swaine

3rd // Phil Gray


1st // Ant Strudwick

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Practice availability for the rest of the week

Josh Brown

At Barbury Shooting, the CPSA English Open Super Sporting & Sportrap is ongoing until Sunday. We continue to offer practice sessions for all customers. Our 100 sporting practice set is spread over 10 stands, providing a slightly steadier layout. Additional practice opportunities will be available on Sunday.

The Covey

CPSA English Open Sportrap & Super Sporting Wednesday 19th June 2024

Josh Brown

Day 1 of the Super Sporting has finished. An amazing turnout with some amazing weather! We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow for the first day of Sportrap!

Day 1 Pool Shoot Winners

AA/A 1st Joint // D. Horswell & T. Bell 60/72

AA/A 2nd // P. Batchelor 56/72

B/C // S. Cuthbert 48/72

For our practice shooters we are still open!

We have a 100 sporting practice set over 10 stands (these are steadier than normal)


Josh Brown

What's On at Barbury Shooting

Discover upcoming events, exciting plans, and happenings at the school here on our new What's On page. Stay tuned for the latest updates and be part of the action at Barbury Shooting.