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Simulated Game Days

Simulated Game Days for 2024

The following days are open to individual guns at our 5 estates, littlecote estate, baydon estate, kennett estate and OGBOURNE estate - Call now to book a space


Spaces updated: 15/07/2024


Saturday 3rd August - FULL

NEW DAY ADDED Tuesday 17th September - 16 Spaces Available


Tuesday 6th August - FULL

Thursday 29th August - FULL

Thursday 5th September - FULL


Wednesday 24th July - FULL

Tuesday 10th September - FULL

Friday 27th September - FULL

Ogbourne ESTATE

Price: £245 Member, £260 Non Member

Includes Breakfast Rolls, Elevenses, Lunch, Afternoon Tea & Cake

Shoot 5000 clays over 5 drives (Based on 16 guns)

Price excludes cartridges.

If you wish to book your own day please give us a call now on 01793 940 420
We occasionally have places available on other SIM days, please contact us if you would like to put your name on a list for any additional days that may become available or if you'd like to go on a waiting list for any other days currently sold out.