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'Field to Table' Game Butchery & Cookery Day


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'Field to Table' Game Butchery & Cookery Day

  • Barbury Shooting School Near Barbury Castle Swindon United Kingdom (map)

We are pleased to announce our first ‘Field to table’ Game Butchery and Cookery Day, with the award winning Vale House Kitchen – a bespoke country skills and cookery school.

We are running 4 sessions on Friday 22nd October 2021 at 09:30, 11:00, 13:15 and 14:45, this will include a demonstration of the butchery of a pheasant, plucking and drawing and making a delicious Sticky Pheasant Wrap! This also includes shooting and a simulated game flush to finish your session.

Pre booking is required so please get in contact with Lou in the office on 01793 940 420 or email Limited spaces available so book early!

Game butchery and cookery event poster A4.jpg
Earlier Event: October 13
100 Registered Sporting
Later Event: October 27
Young Clayshots Day