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The Barbury Pro One Challenge


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The Barbury Pro One Challenge

The Barbury Pro One Challenge 2019

Thursday 1st - Sunday 4th August 2019

120 Sporting

Over £10,000 Prize Fund!

Prizes in AAA, AA, A, B, C, Ladies, Veterans & Juniors

Squadded Event - Pre Booking required
T: 01793 940420

Squads available every 10 minutes from 9am

£55 Entry
£30 Junior Entry

Various trade stands in attendance as well as a bar, catering, Perazzi Demo Gun Stands and Pool Shoot

Kindly Sponsored by; Hull Cartridge | Perazzi UK | Dick Lovett

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Earlier Event: July 31
Summer Skeet Challenge
Later Event: August 7
Summer Skeet Challenge