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Summer Skeet Challenge

Summer Skeet Challenge
*** 17th April - 28th August 2019 ***

Sponsored by Hull Cartridge

The highest scores over the summer period will go into a Grand Final on Wednesday 28th August - Each competitor enters their best 4 scores
Final includes: Top 5 Overall, Top 3 Women, Top 2 Juniors = 10 Places

Overall High Gun - 750 Cartridges
Overall Runner Up - 250 Cartridges
Lady High Gun - 250 Cartridges
Junior High Gun - 250 Cartridges

Skeet layout open for competition on the following dates:
April - 17th & 24th May - 1st, 15th, 22nd & 29th June - 5th, 19th & 26th
July - 3rd, 17th, 24th & 31st August - 7th & 21st - Final on 28th
(also available other dates by appointment)

Competition open to Members & Non-Members

100 Sporting Practice layout also available

Earlier Event: July 17
Summer Skeet Challenge
Later Event: July 31
Summer Skeet Challenge